welcome to

The Asylum

The Chaodyssey continues…

You may have noticed the new look.

i’M working on the next chapter of the chaodyssey and let me tell you, its insane.

As many of you know I’ve spent the last three years in Richmond, VA, hosting residencies, collaborating and self publishing my own work. some of you also know I have never hated living someplace more than i hate living in Richmond. Richmond has, however, served the purpose of allowing me space to recalibrate, heal my body and my mind from the severe burnout i reached in Texas. It has allowed me space to show my work, make the work I’ve needed to make to process out a fraction of the trauma I’m working through, and re-learn what it is about printmaking that I actually love. my whole relationship with printmaking has been professional. I wouldn’t change it, but I did need to step back to love it again.

I love printmaking with every fiber of my being, but i don’t love the printmaking industry. Like many other industries, the world of printmaking is small, and if it turns on you the way it turned on me, it sucks to be a part of. It is truly astounding what people will do, but the things that have remained solid for me are technique, collaboration and the artists i have had the honor of printing for. These are the things I’m taking with me in the years ahead and these are the things i will see more of.

the next chapter in the chaodyssey is going to be wild, which is on brand. Join me by scrolling down to the bottom.